May 3, 2019
“Should a Christian attend a gay wedding?” (AKA) Same Sex wedding. I have been asked this question a number of times and my response has always been, well why not? Some of the responses that I have received back from individuals are that they don’t support gay marriage and they do not believe that form of life style is blessed by God. They’re also led to believe that if they attend the wedding that the people that invited them would think that they are supporting what they are doing. I then ask these individuals a series of other questions like;…
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December 12, 2013
This morning I awoke to Pastor Skip Hietzeg on the Radio and he was speaking of sexual sin and how the numbers of marital affairs are equal in the secular world as it is in the Christian arena. I pondered what he was saying and reflected on my past and my temptations currently; I would say I believe that figure 100%. The devil and all his tactics to lure us are very great. Every were I turn, on billboard’s, commercial’s, walking down the street; all I see is sex or a reference to it. Pastor Skip went on to say…
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Why Did Gandhi accept the Teachings of Jesus but reject Christianity? As I am preparing for my journey to India, I am being challenged to look deeply into my heart and seek out what is my honest motivation. I, like many of us have dark tendencies that seem to want to control our lives when our motivation is not challenged. When I choose to run from my motivation of lust, greed, and control to Christ and I am then honest in my pursuit of His Holiness. It’s only then can I experience relief of the burden I have been carrying…
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By Pete M Robertson After speaking with a friend the other day I went to my computer to do some research and refresh myself on their religion of Jainism. I was fascinated by what they were saying about what they do and the standards that they hold themselves accountable to. It made me want to know more, so I studied and refreshed my knowledge to see what all the excitement was about. As I was researching the history of my friends religion I started asking myself many questions regarding my purpose, why am I here on this earth, how did…
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Have you ever sinned and after words felt that nagging guilt that seemed to linger and not go away? Have you ever meditated on why you even sinned in the first place? I think a lot of the times when we do meditate on why we sinned, we don’t go far enough into our meditation. Most of the time we fall short and brush it off in our minds with, “I should have never been there in the first place??? or “because I wanted it??? or “it felt good or right.??? We fall short of the real problem which is…
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Welcome to my first entry into my Christian business leadership Blog. I cannot wait to see how the Lord will use this. My goal is to share how the Lord has ministered to me through the business and how he has used it to touch me and my family’s life and the lives of other people. I want to share with you about the things I have learned about having faith, trusting in the Almighty and what answered prayer looks like in my life. It’s safe to say that because of circumstances surrounding everyday life no two days will ever…
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I have found that traveling and my business go hand and hand. Whether it is for ministry or my Customer Relations Management work, I have found making an appearance in person is vital in the work I do. I know that everything I do is to be done with Gods leading, that I am not to travel unless God shows up and sends me out. I have learned that when I am traveling God has a greater purpose for me to be outside of the office and about His business. The challenge comes because my daily routine is disturbed; I…
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You may ask yourself, so what does the Bible really say about the homosexual lifestyle? In Genesis 1:27(NKJV) it states, “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
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As stated in my previous blog, it can be a difficult thing to acclimate God into your new routine when things change. When traveling for business, we must first have our priorities right before we ever leave the house and recognize we are God’s and He can have His way in our life as He chooses. The first thing we spoke about was spending time in His word and in prayer. The next thing that we must incorporate is looking for the opportunities He brings. Jesus knew each day he was to be about His father’s business. He also knew…
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