First and foremost I can’t imagine how a person that is gay feels or thinks. I have never had gay thoughts or tendencies; so I cannot relate. I do know that gay people are loved by God and that their choice to love the same sex is an action they have chosen. It’s just like when I made my choice to marry my wife. They made that decision based upon how they felt and were led to choose their partner. There is so much debate over this topic based off of interpretation of biblical insight. Many people that have no religious affiliation do not see a problem with people loving each other whether it is the same or opposite sex. There are also certain cultures that are tolerate allowing people to make choices that are based off of how someone is led. The passion that comes from this debate is rooted, many times, in pride from all parts of thinking. People feel or interpret their understanding and wish to force that upon someone else that does not feel or interpret the same thing. This method of thinking causes anger, bitterness, and division that is not healthy to the mind, body, or soul.
Today we see a major movement in the United States where the acceptance of the gay lifestyle is becoming more popular and anyone that speaks out against this movement is considered a hater and/or a bigot. What would the balance be where there can be a discussion about a subject without both parties calling each other names or causing such a stir that causes hate and anger? I would hope that deep down on both sides of the aisle that people would want equality in the sense that a person’s view or interpretation is “their view??? and that they can amicably agree to disagree without the mudslinging.
Although there are a lot of evil people in this world, I am certain there are people on both sides of the aisle that are truly seeking to do good and are wanting to do right with pure motivation. My interpretation is grounded on my core beliefs and I should be grounded in a lifestyle that imitates that core teaching. So this continuous debate of “should there be gay marriages??? and or “is being gay ok or a sin??? is ultimately interpreted by someone’s core belief interpretation and with that they will act and respond accordingly. A person that takes the time to meditate and ask themselves, “Is the way I am acting appropriate and reflects the action of goodness or is it prideful with evil, malicious intent????. Both sides have a choice to offer equality of interpretation with good motives or evil.
Since the subject of God is included in this discussion a lot, one must ask themselves how their God would interact with other people. First, do they have a god and if so does their god show love or hate. Again, what is their interpretation of their gods’ core belief and does their action reflect the very nature of their god. So if pride, with evil malicious intent is their God, then their approach will never compare to proper equality. If their God is a loving, kind God, that loves all people and they approach the conversation realizing that they are not God and only a representation and a reflection of their god’s voice then, and only then can there be equality. They realize that by portraying a loving characteristic versus pointing fingers and being filled with hate, that they cannot change anybody, but if their God is real, they can change all. How one chooses to reflect that of their God is their choice of lifestyle and they have control over it. If they are making choices based off of their feelings and interpretation of what they feel is right, they will be guided by that belief system. Again, it really all comes down to that belief system and how they live is based off of their meditation upon life’s meaning and purpose.
True equality will only come when one finds a God that controls all things and that person then only reflects the true nature of their God. Without getting in to a theological discussion of what is the very best god, one must ask themselves these questions, “Have they truly sought after god and have they lived their life reflecting the very nature of their god???? Each religion will have its dos and don’ts. Each religion will also have divisive interpretations; so your choice of god will always come with a cost. God is God and we are not god. If you believe you are your own god then your life’s choices will come with a cost. If you believe in a god then your life choices should be surrendered fully to your gods teaching and will come with a cost. So your discussion about gay marriage and whether it is right or a sin stems from some belief either that of yourself or your god. If your god is the true god or your belief that all gods are the same, you will still need to make a choice on whom to follow. Based off of that choice you will see if your god is true or not true.
Equality stems from seeing each other as your god sees you. Does he see you and love you or is he all about himself and only want what he feels or thinks. If our choices are not based off of love and how we see others then we will reflect that of a god that is all about oneself and ultimately we’ll never see proper equality.
There are superficial similarities amongst all religions but there are major fundamental differences. All religions need to ask 4 questions; what are its origins, meaning of life, morality and destiny. With that comes three interpretations. The Atheist believes in natural evolution and that only the universe exists as god. Hindu & Buddhists believe that only god exists in multiple forms. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam all believe in one God and that he created the universe. Based upon the choice you make will come a belief and the question is, is that belief the very best in the debate of equality. This subject is quite complex and basic at the same time. It’s complex because, our choice reflects that of control and one’s own interpretation. It’s basic if our God is the true God. We then can love like He loves and allow Him to change ones heart of interpretation.
If there is a god and he is all powerful, he can do what he wants, when he wants, cant he? So ask yourself, are you serving the right god that promotes peace and love, or are you serving a dictatorship that demands a verdict stemmed from hate. My interpretation of God is the God of the bible. He’s a God that loves all and desires all to come onto him and rest. He desires all to be saved and all to have His joy in the midst of a world trying to dominate their views that are apart from love. I believe that the bible is the only religion that honestly answers all 4 questions of origins, meaning of life, morality and destiny. I believe Jesus would love the gay the same way He would love anybody. I do not believe the God of the bible would focus in on the bad and tear people apart, but would focus in on grace and forgiveness and offer true joy and a changed life with meaning. I know the God of the bible is always about bringing glory to himself and that his disciples should be a reflection of him. If we disagree with someone we do not have to force our view but simply state it in love, if our God is true He will be the one that changes the person, not us or our argument. If we want equality and the possibility of having peace with our neighbors we must love them as Christ loves them and allow Him to do the convictions and not words filled with hate. We must know Christ intimately so that we reflect His goodness. God desires Mary worshippers over Martha workers. Yes, we should have our discussions and yes we should share our interpretation, but it should be done in love and with the understanding that if our God is the true God, He is the one that changes a heart and not anything we say.