I have found that traveling and my business go hand and hand. Whether it is for ministry or my Customer Relations Management work, I have found making an appearance in person is vital in the work I do. I know that everything I do is to be done with Gods leading, that I am not to travel unless God shows up and sends me out. I have learned that when I am traveling God has a greater purpose for me to be outside of the office and about His business. The challenge comes because my daily routine is disturbed; I don’t eat at the normal times, I get less sleep, and I become weary and run down from all the meetings and obligations. I find myself really wondering what state or city I am in, what time is it, and where do I need to be next. Unknowingly, these become my priority and my greatest challenge in keeping God first. This last east coast trip I took, which included 7 states and just about the same number cities, really challenged me but at the same time encouraged me. God began to show me what I needed to do to have Him first in my life as I traveled. First, I need to outline and define my priorities. Just like my routine when I am home, I am to start my day off spending time in His word and in prayer. It becomes difficult fighting against the flesh when I have meetings demanding my time or I have been late to bed and up early, but if I truly believe that God has sent me out, I must make Him first if I am to survive my day and answer the call of being HOLY (1Peter 1:16). He has a purpose; He knows whom He wants me to talk to and about what. I am made to bring Him Glory. I am His soldier and His voice. On my trip, I found when I spent ample time in the word and in prayer throughout the day, even though stressful conditions presented themselves, my day was blessed. I saw God’s grace demonstrated constantly. He opened my eyes to see His work all around me. The joy that comes from knowing you are in the center of God’s will is unspeakable. It is even more evident when I am forced to lean on Him when my routine is disrupted. It is then that we must prepare ourselves mentality before we ever step through the doors of our houses and know we are not about our business but God’s. He is our center and His agenda is our purpose. Let us not allow Satan to ever deceive us in thinking otherwise.
Keeping God First When Traveling
This post was written by Pete