Our Psalms of Praise Through life’s Pains

This post was written by Pete

Reading the book of Psalms brings much joy to my heart because I see that the writers are pouring out their hearts and expressing how good and great our God is. Every verse practically mentions something in reference to praising the Lord. What I also see in the psalms, is that David and the others recognized our true purpose for our life, and that is to praise His name and to give Him Glory.

As I have written many times before, God does not revolve around us or our thinking. As He has stated that He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, He is the I am that I am. We are here on this earth for His pleasure and His purposes. We are here to bring Him honor and to lift His name above all names. I find it quite amusing how I am always trying to please my own flesh and to put myself first, when I know full well that God hates that. It’s crazy to think about, but He always allows me to have my own way and to do as I see fit, even if I do not ask His permission. It as if the Heavenly father is just watching me as I stumble and fall through my life choices and yet at times gently urges me in other directions. His grace so covers me from myself that I know if he so chooses, he can easily smite me. He does at times, but other times He allows me to figure it out on my own, that is with his gentleness guiding me.

When you dig deep into the Psalms, we see men struggling with their life issues; we also see their eyes being open to the greater purpose of their existence. David so often expressed his deep desire to draw near to his Lord. He recognized that every time he fell to his knees in worship, prayer, and complete adoration to his God, God would answer Him. We see God speaking to David, we see Him protecting him and going before him to fight his battles. David, because he accepted Gods purpose in his life and recognized his place in this world, allowed God to have his way with him. He stopped the attacks of his mind to control Him and allowed Gods peace to sustain Him. The Psalms also points out that God will do anything humanly possible to get our attention, we see Him putting his people in places of hardship, where destruction, famine, and pain are sometimes evident. God will allow things in our life that are not always easy to get our attention. It’s so we recognize that He is in control and His love, His mercy, and Grace are all we need. Everything happens in life because He allows it to happen that way.

Once, we like David, finally come to the understanding that it’s God’s way or the highway; we can then come to terms with whatever happens in this life, will be ok. Then, and only then, can you experience the true goodness of God, your eyes will be open to see Him seated on His throne in all His glory and its then that His radiance and love will pierce your heart. You will then proceed to falling on your knees in true repentance; you will cry out with agonizing pain while asking for forgiveness and then with everything contrary to any reasoning of our own, then God in His perfect love touches you. He will pick you up, washes you as white as snow, breathes into you a newness of life and tells you He loves you. He will whisper into your ears something you can’t explain; all you know is that you’re so loved and forgiven that nothing can separate you from your Father. David and the other psalmists wrote songs from their heart. Their songs were of life experiences and meant much to them, as well as to others that were around them. We also experience life’s challenges and we too have a song to write. I am sure God wants us to write our own Psalms of struggles and praise’s. Not only will they minister to God, but also to others. They will express how great Our God is, how much He loves us and forgives us, how much He has always been there and how He will always be here for us. So let’s give Him the worship he deserves today. Praise him in song.

The Lord is my strength and my shield, my heart trusted in Him and I am helped; therefore my heart greatly rejoices, and with my song I will praise Him. Psalm 28:7