As stated in my previous blog, it can be a difficult thing to acclimate God into your new routine when things change. When traveling for business, we must first have our priorities right before we ever leave the house and recognize we are God’s and He can have His way in our life as He chooses. The first thing we spoke about was spending time in His word and in prayer. The next thing that we must incorporate is looking for the opportunities He brings. Jesus knew each day he was to be about His father’s business. He also knew that each day God would bring people and circumstances into His life for the sole purpose of Jesus being used to reflect His father’s love and in doing so bring people to Him. Jesus always started and ended His day in prayer. When you study the gospels, we see that after each great event that took place during the day, Jesus always went away to pray to His God in heaven. He knew that the victory was not His but His fathers. He knew that He must surrender all that took place to God immediately knowing that Satan is always on the prowl to deceive and make us believe we did the work ourselves and allow room for us to boast. God will always use us if we are available to Him and if we are prepared there will be opportunities presented. God blesses each of us individually with different gifts. I have been blesses to know that God has used my gifts many times for His Glory, but when I am not walking as close to God as I should I always fall to Satan’s trap in thinking I am greater than I really am. Some examples are like when I ask people around me that heard and saw what just took place, how did I do or how do you think that went. Secretly I want to hear praise for what I did. Another example might be when I start thinking in my head that I am good and how awesome it feels to have these gifts and how others do not. My favorite instance is when I start thinking ahead trying to figure out what God is doing and how else He can use my gifts. It basically comes down to me trying to control circumstances. I have learned this control can be anything that does not drive me to my knees in humility. My practice of trying to replicate what Jesus did in getting away with the father immediately after God uses me has just recently become my normal. It is not always easy and has not always been the norm. We have to learn that constant communion with our Father is vital in our success of business and life. Our clients depend on us to be Holy and to bring the very best God has for them in our services rendered. In the end, we are short changing our clients of God’s very best when we do not prioritize our lives and bring everything captive before Him. Everything we do should reflect Christ; in words, deeds, and actions. Serving Christ in business should be our highest honor and when traveling an even greater blessing because God has entrusted us to bring His good news outside of your peer influence. Next time we travel, let us seek out opportunities and recognize God is always about His business and we are His workmanship.
Keeping God First When Traveling-Part II
This post was written by Pete