Christian Business Leadership

This post was written by Pete

Welcome to my first entry into my Christian business leadership Blog. I cannot wait to see how the Lord will use this. My goal is to share how the Lord has ministered to me through the business and how he has used it to touch me and my family’s life and the lives of other people. I want to share with you about the things I have learned about having faith, trusting in the Almighty and what answered prayer looks like in my life. It’s safe to say that because of circumstances surrounding everyday life no two days will ever be the same. But we know that God goes beyond circumstances and will always be at work and in control. As God moves, we will learn to surrender our will and allow God to rule our lives in each circumstance. I hope to share with you Bible verses that come alive to me through this journey. It is my prayer that in doing this I will be able to minister to business leaders all around the world and they too will be encouraged to fully rely on God. I hope that in doing this we will learn together to see things from God’s perspective and not from our own.
Today’s journey started with me reading the book of Numbers chapter 16-18. In a radical work of God, we saw Him open up the earth and swallow all the men in the family of Korah. This serves as a reminder that God is for real and He really means business. If he wants something done a certain way, I think we best listen to Him. Speaking of wanting things done a certain way, God personally spoke to me and showed me that sometimes I am a bit overwhelming in my leadership approach. I tend to try and force my will into a situation like I have the authority of God. In business, obviously that is of my flesh and not trusting Him. I must learn to wait upon the Lord and let his timing have its way. Perfect love does not force itself into any situation; God gives us free will and never forces anything.
So if we are a business leaders, a Mom’s, a Dad’s, or even a Coach and if we have influence on others, let’s practice Christ’s love today in leading others with kindness and not with a harsh tongue. Let’s understand God means business and desires us to reflect Him and not our flesh.